Thursday 21 May 2009

A Great Result!

The absolutely fabulous Joanna Lumley must be over the moon, as the Gurkhas have won the right to settle in Britain,proving that at last, a bit of justice has emerged. I do not want to sound all gung ho and rah, rah, but these people have supported and fought for this country for years, and if any group deserved to be able to live here, then they do. Joanna fought too, without fear, without taking any nonsense or double talk from the politicians, and with the people of the nation behind her. What a victory and well done. Welcome to these wonderful people and their families, I hope you will be treated with the respect and honour you so rightly deserve, having earned these and more. That's it folks.

1 comment:

  1. Totally off topic here - I'm looking for a product for a client, and it appears that it's only available for sale in the UK. It looks as though I can set up an account with a pharmacy over there and have it shipped, but I'm not sure how reliable that would be, or which pharmacy to choose.

    I'm wondering if it's as common there as it appears, and if so, could I perhaps pay you for your time (and all costs incurred) to buy and ship?

    It's called Mackenzies Smelling Salts. It comes in a 17ml bottle in a small box. I can pass along more details if this is even remotely possible. And I'd fully understand if you tell me, "No way, nodressy." Or, if you'd rather not ship but know of a reputable pharmacy to direct me to, that would be awesome as well!
